Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Triangle-Headed Alien Mummy discovered in Peru (w/ Pic)
Behold the giant-headed alien mummy that turned up in Peru. Stare into its all-knowing eye sockets of an alien who somehow would up on Earth many years ago, and was mummified by the locals. But what was it doing here?

Website RPP is claiming that Renato Davila Riquelme, an anthropologist working at the Privado Ritos Andinos museum in Cusco, has discovered remains of something that isn't human. Measuring at 20 inches tall, the tiny remains were originally believed to be that of a child, but Spanish and Russian doctors disagree, saying:

"It has a non-human appearance because the head is triangular and big, almost the same size as the body. At first we believed it to be a child's body until Spanish and Russian doctors came and confirmed that, yes, it's an extraterrestrial being."

BOOM. There ya go. Four out of five faceless scientists agree that what you're looking at are mummified alien remains. Case closed.

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